Unser erfahrenes Personal verwendet eine Vielzahl von Techniken, um körperliche Stresssymptome zu lindern und die Durchblutung Ihres Körpers zu fördern. Darüber hinaus zielen Massagen darauf ab, Muskelverspannungen durch unsere Massagetechniken zu lösen. Gönnen Sie sich eine erholsame Massage.
What Does a Thai Oil Massage Entail?

Thai oil massage is a soft, soothing full-body massage performed on a table or in a designated location. After dropping the scented oil, it is spread evenly across the body while simultaneously being massaged with slow hand motions. Make a gentle movement with your thumbs while applying pressure with your palms to stretch the muscles. This technique will aid in easing acute or chronic muscle discomfort. Moreover, it promotes deeper sleep.
The distinction between Thai oil massage and traditional Thai massage is evident. Thai massage is a dry massage that doesn't use oil, and taking off your clothes isn't necessary, but Thai Oil Massage calls for doing so in the areas that need a massage. The other areas will be covered with cloth to respect client privacy. Additionally, Thai oil massage won't place as much of emphasis on deep tissue massage, reflexology, or the use of pressing as traditional Thai massage does. When the session is over, you'll feel light, at ease, and relaxed.

Amazing Benefits of Thai Oil Massage:
Improved Blood Circulation
Improved Flexibility
Relief from stress and tension
Improved Mood and Reduced Stress
Headache Relief
Help With Lower Back Pain
Sleep Solution​​​

Ready to Melt Away Stress With a Thai Oil Massage?
Egal, ob Sie eine Massage zum Stressabbau oder eine Tiefengewebsmassage wünschen, alle unsere Massagedienste sind individuell anpassbar, sodass wir das Erlebnis auf Sie zuschneiden können.
Wenn Sie spezielle Anliegen oder Schwerpunkte haben, lassen Sie es uns wissen!